

Nathan Peters


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 6 6



01:27 PM Katello Bug #13268: [Katello 2.4] Capsule installer creates invalid qdrouterd.conf file which causes service to fail to start
This is not actually a bug with the configuration file. This is due to version 0.5 of qdrouterd getting installed fr... Nathan Peters


12:16 AM Katello Bug #13268 (Rejected): [Katello 2.4] Capsule installer creates invalid qdrouterd.conf file which causes service to fail to start
Fresh installation of Katello 2.4 on a Fresh install of CentOS 7.2.1511. The capsule installer produces and invalid ... Nathan Peters


04:02 AM foreman-tasks Bug #13100 (Rejected): Attemp to view dynflow console leads to internal server error
[Katello 2.4 / Foreman 1.10]
On my dashboard I see one task in planning - error state.
Clicking on it gives me ...
Nathan Peters
03:57 AM Katello Bug #13099 (Resolved): Attempt to view task leads to error : plan_self has to be invoked before being able to reference the output
[Katello 2.4 / Foreman 1.10]
I saw a task in planning pending state on my task status dashboard so I click on the ...
Nathan Peters


03:05 PM foreman-tasks Bug #11092 (Closed): Web UI gets javascript error that crashes browser when viewing tasks
Complete steps from beginning to end to reproduce (Firefox browser):
1)Create a product
2)setup multiple external...
Nathan Peters


09:54 PM Katello Bug #10141: Hitting the resume button on a repo sync job stalled at 53% gives this error
It got to 50% or just finished downloading the files. This was actually with a katello 2.1 installation. I replaced... Nathan Peters


02:12 PM Katello Feature #8781: Use Content View as installation source
I am experiencing this same issue.
I have followed all instructions here.
All puppet environments are associate...
Nathan Peters


03:18 PM Katello Bug #10184 (Duplicate): Katello 2.2 Activation Keys won't save in host groups
I have created a host group called CentOS 6 Hosts.
I am trying to add an activation key. I have created an activa...
Nathan Peters


04:26 PM Katello Bug #10141 (Resolved): Hitting the resume button on a repo sync job stalled at 53% gives this error

Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong

Cannot do Dynflow::Executors::Abstract::Execution[executio...
Nathan Peters

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