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Revision 5754b2b7

Added by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden about 3 years ago

Refs #32491 - Optimize pulp find

Taken from the community1. Copy pasting:

First: -perm -g-s is always true. g-s means “s bit not set”, but for
the -perm search you need something set and not “not set”. So
effectively the find command finds all directories, which in the end
gets the job done anyway, even though with a huge overhead, in
particular the directories don’t need to be changed again.

Correct would be -perm -g+s to find all directories, which have the
group sticky bit set. As we want only those directories which have it
missing, the condition must be negated. Thus the correct find command
would be:

find /var/lib/pulp/content -type d \! -perm -g+s -exec sudo chmod g+s {} \;

Second: the content directory contains a lot of directories and if all
of them are missing the sticky bit it would make a chmod call for every
directory which can take a looooong time.

It is also optimized to use xargs style invocation by using + (which
AFAIK is a GNU extension to find, but very useful).

The user reported a 3 minutes vs 3 seconds runtime difference.


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