



From 04/26/2017 to 05/25/2017


12:15 PM Bug #19426 (Resolved): undefined method `email' for #<ForemanDocker::Docker:0x0000000ba99768>
Hi Dominic,
sorry for my late reply but i have been out for a while.
As per your suggestion I ran the command for...
Mirco Santori


07:45 AM Bug #19633 (Ready For Testing): Rake tasks should be updated to new version
The Foreman Bot
07:43 AM Bug #19633 (Closed): Rake tasks should be updated to new version
It seems that this plugin was not migrated - Marek Hulán


03:12 AM Feature #19591: unable to remove docker plugin cleanly
I'd suggest deleting the compute resource before removing the plugin. Dominic Cleal


05:17 PM Feature #19591 (Closed): unable to remove docker plugin cleanly
I am not able to remove the docker plugin from my foreman installation cleanly. Now foreman would not let me do anyth... Neeraj Harikrishnan


10:03 AM Bug #19492: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT
... Dominic Cleal
09:57 AM Bug #19492 (New): incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT
When accessing the details for a container, I get the error message:
Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong i...
Andreas Pfaffeneder
06:10 AM Bug #16235 (Ready For Testing): As a user, I would like to add a insecure registry.
The Foreman Bot


07:24 AM Bug #19396: Tests failing with "ArgumentError: let 'X' cannot override a method in Minitest::Spec. Please use another name."
Will do that! Sebastian Gräßl
07:18 AM Bug #19396: Tests failing with "ArgumentError: let 'X' cannot override a method in Minitest::Spec. Please use another name."
Please use a new ticket then for changes to Foreman, this one has a commit in foreman-docker associated. Dominic Cleal
07:15 AM Bug #19396: Tests failing with "ArgumentError: let 'X' cannot override a method in Minitest::Spec. Please use another name."
Both the issue and the test mentioned in this issue (and a few others) are in foreman-core.
The fixes in foreman-doc...
Sebastian Gräßl
07:08 AM Bug #19396: Tests failing with "ArgumentError: let 'X' cannot override a method in Minitest::Spec. Please use another name."
This issue has been fixed by a commit in the Docker subproject, it shouldn't be in Foreman. Can you please move it back? Dominic Cleal


07:01 AM Bug #19396 (Closed): Tests failing with "ArgumentError: let 'X' cannot override a method in Minitest::Spec. Please use another name."
Applied in changeset docker:commit:foreman-docker|8138e503d8ec09a47f9ff3481590b31f29be0857. Anonymous


02:58 AM Bug #19426: undefined method `email' for #<ForemanDocker::Docker:0x0000000ba99768>
Please ensure that database migrations were run successfully by running @foreman-rake db:migrate@ and pasting the out... Dominic Cleal


03:10 PM Bug #19426: undefined method `email' for #<ForemanDocker::Docker:0x0000000ba99768>
uname -a
Linux 3.10.0-514.16.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Apr 12 15:04:24 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64...
Mirco Santori
03:04 PM Bug #19426 (Resolved): undefined method `email' for #<ForemanDocker::Docker:0x0000000ba99768>
I am not very familiar with Ruby and can't help here. I was about to try the docker plugin for Foreman and ru...
Mirco Santori


10:35 AM Bug #19396 (Closed): Tests failing with "ArgumentError: let 'X' cannot override a method in Minitest::Spec. Please use another name."
After the recent upgrade of minitest[1] test started failing with error like this:... Sebastian Gräßl

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