



From 04/10/2015 to 05/09/2015


09:52 AM Revision 2f315293 (foreman-xen): Only show snapshots button if the vm provider is Xen.
Ben Bettridge


11:07 AM Bug #10427: Foreman 1.8 VM accociation doesn't work
This is by design in 1.8, the old IP/MAC/domain etc attributes that were on host itself moved to NICs/interfaces, mak... Dominic Cleal
10:21 AM Bug #10427 (Closed): Foreman 1.8 VM accociation doesn't work
Step to reproduce:
Computer Resources -> XenServer -> VM List -> Click on relevant VM -> Associate VM

Operations ooVoo


10:28 AM Revision bd589b6e (foreman-xen): Removed debug outputs.
Ben Bettridge
10:21 AM Revision e575bb96 (foreman-xen): Basic fixes for 1.8. Returns first virtual interface at the moment for nic/mac matching which is bad.
Ben Bettridge
09:37 AM Revision cf0ea036 (foreman-xen): Updated host title bar to work with 1.8. This really needs to be reworked.
Ben Bettridge
09:32 AM Revision 847478a7 (foreman-xen): Changes for Foreman 1.8 compatability. Moved base HTML templates, bumped version requirements.
Ben Bettridge
09:11 AM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
I've tracked the error regarind storage repository to the following code in fog:... Ben Bettridge
09:08 AM Bug #10401: Can't add compute profiles Missing Partial?
If this is using the latest development source, one of the files that was moved didn't need to be done so. My bad. I'... Ben Bettridge


03:59 PM Bug #10401: Can't add compute profiles Missing Partial?
Please see my comments in #10272 Anonymous
03:40 PM Bug #10401 (Closed): Can't add compute profiles Missing Partial?
Get the following error when trying to add a compute profile:
2015-05-06 19:33:17 [I] Completed 500 Internal Serve...
Joe Ortiz
03:09 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
Regarding that fix in fog 1.29: We could theoretically pull that into foreman core via an override, this was done as ... Anonymous
02:44 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
These are the logs:
2015-05-06 18:30:49 [W] Query instance details for task failed with the following err...
Alejandro Falcon
02:43 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
using fog 1.29 makes xen creates the vm but then foreman gives this error and roll back:
Query instance details fo...
Alejandro Falcon
02:28 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
Michael- I will be more than happy to keep an open channel with anyone for testing this and getting into a workable ... Joe Passavanti
02:19 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
Thanks for the heads up just looking into fog 1.29 changelogs here Alejandro Falcon
12:41 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
OK, without having looked at it, I suspect that some change in fog 1.28 is requiring updates on the Foreman side then. Anonymous
12:33 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
Yeah, the create_vdi problem is happening in 1.8 only. Alejandro Falcon
09:59 AM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
Alejandro, please also comment in the pull request, that might speed up merging :)
In regard to that create_vdi pr...
09:49 AM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
I have tested these changes and fix the VM tab in 1.8 and the MAC issue in 1.7. However, we are still without luck wh... Alejandro Falcon
07:11 AM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
Joe, the problem with foreman_xen was and is that it has only a small userbase, leading to small exposure in general ... Anonymous


10:49 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
Well, I have been screwing with this more and more, and I can't believe either nobody else has this problem with usin... Joe Passavanti
10:10 AM Bug #10341: Failed to create a compute XenLight01 (Libvirt) instance can't convert nil into String
Ivo Bottenheft wrote:
> I have the same issue only with KVM-libvirt
> 2015-05-05 15:49:46 [W] Rolling back due ...
Ivo Bottenheft
10:09 AM Bug #10341: Failed to create a compute XenLight01 (Libvirt) instance can't convert nil into String
I have the same issue only with KVM(libvirt)
2015-05-05 15:49:46 [W] Rolling back due to a problem: [Set up comput...
Ivo Bottenheft


11:09 AM Bug #10341: Failed to create a compute XenLight01 (Libvirt) instance can't convert nil into String
I was unable to resolve this issue on my own so I am looking for advice. Joshua Gordon


09:44 AM Bug #10267: can't convert String into Integer When clicking edit host
Joshua Gordon wrote:
> Sure here is the prodution.log This is right after I click edit on a host deployed to xen ser...
Joshua Gordon


05:13 PM Bug #10341: Failed to create a compute XenLight01 (Libvirt) instance can't convert nil into String
Changed the following line
<domain type='kvm'>
<domain type='xen'>
Joshua Gordon
04:45 PM Bug #10341: Failed to create a compute XenLight01 (Libvirt) instance can't convert nil into String
on the Dom side I get the following error from libvirt.
2015-04-30 20:42:43.012+0000: 1939: error : virDomainDefPars...
Joshua Gordon
04:29 PM Bug #10341 (Closed): Failed to create a compute XenLight01 (Libvirt) instance can't convert nil into String
Unable to deploy to xl xenlight through virtsh using libvirt plugin on foreman 1.8
It does connect and create a volu...
Joshua Gordon
04:31 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
Yes I am seeing that exact behavior. Joshua Gordon
01:11 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
so, actually, Citrix Xenserver does create the VM. However, for some reason, it does not boot and Foreman thinks it ... Joe Passavanti
01:09 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
I am seeing the same behavior. I am unsure what the next to resolve this will be. Joshua Gordon
01:03 PM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
So, I tried your suggestion, and I had to change it just a little bit to make it work:... Joe Passavanti
11:18 AM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
I was able to by pass this issue. Here is what I did.
Create a new folder owned by foreman under (/usr/share/foreman...
Joshua Gordon
09:55 AM Bug #10267: can't convert String into Integer When clicking edit host
Sure here is the prodution.log This is right after I click edit on a host deployed to xen server using the xen server... Joshua Gordon
08:24 AM Feature #6683: Support PV vm's install
You are right that things have changed since I opened this feature request.
I will explain:
We used RHE...
George Lucan


11:04 PM Feature #6683: Support PV vm's install
You might want to have a look at PVHVM machines and the performance increases found there. It's worth noting that PV ... Ben Bettridge
10:59 PM Bug #10267: can't convert String into Integer When clicking edit host
Any chance you could attach an excerpt from production.log? It usually contains more information than the stacktrace ... Ben Bettridge


06:05 AM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
Here is the excerpt from production.log... Joe Passavanti
03:25 AM Bug #10272: error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
production.log might have more info, but it's likely that foreman_xen needs a similar change to Dominic Cleal


03:54 PM Bug #10272 (Closed): error when accessing Virtual Machine tab of new host with foreman-xen
release 1.8 RC3
when trying to create a new host, with foreman-xen plugin, when I change from Baremetal to Xenserv...
Joe Passavanti


12:09 PM Bug #10267 (Resolved): can't convert String into Integer When clicking edit host
I believe foreman-xen is putting in a value that is not allowed. I believe this because other hosts that do not use x... Joshua Gordon


08:49 PM Revision 1ccf0384 (foreman-xen): Fixed bug where multiple machines get generated with the same MAC address.
Ben Bettridge

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