



From 04/19/2018 to 05/18/2018


08:56 PM Bug #20050 (Closed): ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
4a55d8c4d33b926dccb4ffb288d408a01a52d628 went in and got cherry-picked 1.17 and 1.16 Anonymous
03:15 PM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
Eric, your stuff is unrelated. Please open a new issue, preferrably under the Katello category/project. Anonymous
03:14 PM Bug #20050 (Ready For Testing): ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
03:26 PM Bug #22266 (Duplicate): Fresh installation of Foreman with Ansible plugin and proxy is broken after host restart


10:05 PM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
removed unrelated issue Eric Hansen
10:00 PM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
removed unrelated issue Eric Hansen


07:46 PM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
Great, I implemented the deletion of ruby-sequel-pg in my puppet class and everything works under 1.17.
Thank you.
Maximilian Stinsky
11:35 AM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
There's an ongoing discussion at Anonymous
11:30 AM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
Michael thanks for the information.
- Is there a documentation about which plugins won't work with Foreman 1.17 s...
Johannes Black
11:26 AM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
Johannes, that problem with foreman_azure is unrelated. alias_method_chain was removed from Rails 5.x and Foreman 1.1... Anonymous
10:13 AM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
[deleted. unrelated issue.] Johannes Black
12:44 AM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
Just wanted to report that the short-term solution worked for me. No errors what-so-ever.
Thank you very much!
Tatsuya Hamamoto


02:26 PM Bug #20050 (New): ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
So, the issue I've finally found is that in debian support. The issue is caused by @/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/sequel_... Ivan Necas
09:20 AM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
I have finally a working (or rather not working) reproducer at my end. Seems like some issue with the sequel gem load... Ivan Necas
02:01 AM Bug #20050: ruby-sequel-pg DEB pollutes Foreman ruby gem environment
I also got stuck with the same error trying to upgrade from 1.16.1 to 1.17.0.
And as someone previously stated, it l...
Tatsuya Hamamoto

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